National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine Price And Quantity
1 Unit
National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine Product Specifications
Commercial Use
Muscle Gain
Tone Up Muscle
2-5 Years
National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine Trade Information
Cash in Advance (CID)
100 Unit Per Month
10 Days
All India
Product Description
The National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine is the perfect addition to any commercial gym or personal training studio. With its automatic operation mode and adjustable settings, this treadmill is designed to help you tone up your muscles and gain strength. This treadmill is built to last, with a warranty of 2-5 years, allowing you to keep pushing yourself to new heights. The machine is adjustable to suit your needs and can be customized to suit your specific muscle gain goals. Built for commercial-grade use, the National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine is the perfect choice for those who are serious about their fitness. With its high-powered motor, you can be sure that this treadmill will keep up with even the most intense workouts.
FAQs of National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine:
Q: What is the warranty on the National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine?
A: The warranty on this treadmill ranges from 2-5 years, depending on the specific model you choose.
Q: Is this treadmill suitable for commercial use?
A: Yes, this treadmill is designed for commercial-grade use and is built to withstand intense workouts.
Q: Can I adjust the settings on this treadmill?
A: Yes, the National Bodyline 8HP Motorized Treadmill Machine is adjustable to suit your specific muscle gain goals.
Q: What is the function of this treadmill?
A: The function of this treadmill is to tone up your muscles and help you gain strength.
Q: What is the motor power of this treadmill?
A: This treadmill has an 8HP motor, making it a powerful and reliable choice for your fitness needs.